Annandale North P&C
The ANPS P&C is an active group of parents and carers from Annandale North Public School who regularly meet to enhance the school experience for our children and to help foster a strong community around Annandale North Public School.
The P&C has a strong focus on bringing families together around the school in a positive way. We conduct events that are enjoyable for the children, parents, and the wider community; which also raise funds that are invested back into the school to the benefit of children and families for many years to come.
Some of the P&C's recent major initiatives have been the redevelopment of the area on the Piper Street side of the campus into an 'Urban Forest', the construction of an outdoor classroom next to the Piper Lane exit, and we have fully funded the installation of 110 solar panels on the school's roof. We also help support the school's wonderful band and strings program and other ongoing initiatives to help enhance the school experience for our children.
The P&C's next major initiative will be the installation of new playground equipment in the north-eastern corner of the school and we are now focusing our fundraising efforts on this. The purchase of uniforms, footwear and other items through the Your Local School website will help support the P&C in this and other goals to make a positive impact on the ANPS community.
Keep up to date with the P&C via their Facebook Group